Beyond Webzine (FR)

I already heard from Logar’s Diary through the underground press and I must say that the rumours weren’t unfounded. Under a heavy layer of Fantasy hides a very powerful band, evolving in a style that I wouldn’t entirely define as Power Metal, although the band itself seems to value the term …

Let’s just point out one thing: the fact that I object to this designation isn’t the mere fruit of a rebel mind. It’s rather the product of a certain bitterness that I feel when listening to most bands within that category who don’t stand for many things, except maybe for being lame. But I won’t insist on this, for this sort of debate would hardly be to the point when you’re dealing with a combo as talented as Logar’s Diary.

Their musical richness transcends all understanding. Just one small problem: Hagen’s voice. It’s not confident enough, a fact that makes the poor guy loose a good deal of justness in comparison with the music, which is absolutely spotless. The rhythms show great variation as do, on a general level, the atmospheres and the eleven songs on this CD are, to my humble opinion, a wonderful business card to present the labels with. A little more conviction in the voice and all will be just fine…

75/100 points

- Review by Arnaud