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This e-book is called Christian Logue’s Savage Grace Diary. Masters of Disguise is in many ways also a continuation of the ’80s metal band Savage Grace.

He was arrested in 2005 for practicing quack medicine without a license under a false identity. He later allegedly opened a clinic in the Caribbean claiming to treat cancer patients under that same identity, using unproven alternative treatments. He also reportedly runs a porn production company, and is currently using the Savage Grace website to attempt to recruit young women to supposedly keep him company. Wrote an autobiography about his time with Savage Grace, titled “Christian Logue’s Savage Grace Diary – My Life Leading the Greatest Heavy Metal Band You Probably Never Heard of.” (Metal-Archives)

Payment is here or there for only $19.95 / Add a message: Christian Logue’s Savage Grace Diary



Two bands playing together! DoWThis track was AFAIK only ever released on this tribute album.


Crystal Viper - Bandinfo

Origin: Poland

Formed in: 2003

Website / MySpace


Elixir - Bandinfoelixir

Origin: U.K.

Formed in: 1983

Website / MySpace
We planned to record two songs with Paul and Phil of ELIXIR and one of them was "Chaos Rising". The guys came to Poland for few days and we recorded two songs together. Sadly, one of them just got lost in the studio by accident. And why did we choose this song? I think, it's the best song by CIRITH UNGOL and it fits perfectly to CRYSTAL VIPER!

We heard a lot of good words from one of the musicians of CIRITH UNGOL. You know, it was great to hear, that he liked our version!
-Marta "Leather Wych" Gabriel (Crystal Viper vocalist), Metal Maidens interview Jul 2008

Fun fact: Marta Gabriel is married to Bart Gabriel, a polish promoter/manager, who is the man behind this tribute album, and the webmaster for the old official Cirith Ungol webpage.
🕜 2010-02-18 14:57:32
📄 1

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info [at] cirithungol [dot] org